Overall I would rate 2016 as a pretty good year for my cycling. Once again achieving my annual goal 15,000kms, which included one 300km ride to Toowoomba and three 200k rides to various parts of Brisbane. The Toowoomba ride was particularly satisfying as it was my first 300k ride in three years and it was good to know I could still do it. It was...
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This article mainly focuses on what to carry for a long day in the saddle. We’ll assume you’ve done your training, your bike is ready and you’ve done suitable carbo loading the night before. Firstly I’ll say there are plenty of ways to prepare but this is just from my experience having done the 165km, the 207km event and this year I’ll be doing the...
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There are two parts to a hill climb, the gradient and the classification. The gradient is the specific angle of the climb at any given part of the climb, which obviously will vary on any climb, The classification is the overall ratting of the climb. Gradient Cyclist often refer the the gradient of a climb in terms of a percentage. The gradient when measured in...
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Welcome to my King of the Mountains V2.0, now with improved elevation calculations thanks to some good folk on the Vikings cycling forums I discovered how extract the data from Garmin TCX files so I could graph the actual data and not rely on the rather clumsy screen grabs. In addition I have used Tableau to graph the data, which allows you to select and...
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Updated 26/6/2010, all the information in this post has been superseded and has been updated here https://www.xrar.com.au/?p=748 There is more information about the individual climbs below. Also note that the elevation charts are not completely accurate, they are a close representation of the climb in terms of elevation and distance. Climb Elevation Distance Gradient Mt Pleasant 80 m 1.66km 4.8% Coppin’s Crossing 84 m 1.5km...
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